Korean Project 2017


Annyeong Haseyo! Four days ago, I started a language challenge.  I made it a goal to study Korean everyday for one month, and that I’d update this blog showing you all my strengths and weaknesses as well as what I did for the day to work towards my goal.

Here, you can find all of the links to my posts about what I did each day of the challenge.  If I take more than 10 days off, I fail.


My goal for this challenge is pretty simple: I’m going to study Korean everyday for 2 hours, for 1 month.

I am currently at Level A1, meaning I knew absolutely no Korean before deciding to seriously study it.  I hope to achieve A2 fluency by the end of the month, but I’ll see where it takes me.

Posts & Updates

Day #1
Day #2
Day #3


I’ve found that posting exactly what I’ve done everyday is tiring, hard work, and hard to fit into a busy schedule.  So instead of posting daily, I will be posting weekly.

I will still be continuing to post exactly what I’ve done as well as how many hours I’ve studied, but instead I’ll sum all 7 days up in 1 weekly article.